Travel Styles

Corporate Travel

Call Kemi Wells, our Director of Sales for more information or to get your company set up! Call 604.717.1725 or email

Leisure Travel

Ask yourself – when was the last time you did something for the first time? Travel is all about exploring – pushing your comfort zone and trying as many new things as...

Adventure Travel

Our Adventure Travel Specialists at North South Travel both have over 25 years experience in their niche and extensive knowledge of destinations around the globe. They are keen to share...

Romance Travel

You’ve already found your soulmate, now let our Romance Specialist help match you with the perfect romantic getaway. From a last minute getaway to a secluded resort, to a full...

Family Travel

Our specialists at North South Travel know how stressful planning family vacations can be, but also how stress-free they should be. With an eye for high value, and multigenerational fun,...

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